Welcome to Ross River School
Kaska Dena people have lived in over 240,000 square kilometres of land in the southeast Yukon, southern Northwest Territories, and north-western British Columbia for tens of thousands of years; long before both recorded history and the existence of provincial land and territorial borders.
Ross River, Yukon, home to the Ross River Dena Council, is situated near the confluence of the Ross and Pelly Rivers, near the Campbell Highway and the North Canol Road. Ross River is one of the two Kaska Dena communities located in Yukon.
Ross River, Yukon, home to the Ross River Dena Council, is situated near the confluence of the Ross and Pelly Rivers, near the Campbell Highway and the North Canol Road. Ross River is one of the two Kaska Dena communities located in Yukon.
COVID-19 Detailed School Health and Safety Operational Plan
Download a copy of the Ross River School COVID-19 Detailed School Health and Safety Operational Plan