GOAL #1: Good Citizenship
- School will continue programs, which initiate, establish, and maintain children’s sound emo- tional development in order to adhere to universal societal norms, as well as to reflect spe- cific community needs.
- Many Ross River children have been experiencing hardship typical for isolated northern communities. More than an academically driven school environment, the students need a welcoming atmosphere which fosters understanding, friendship, and good feelings; an at- mosphere which inspires initiative, promotes social cohesiveness, awakens imagination, and provokes aspirations to formulate ideas. We will attempt it through techniques to cultivate inner strength in children. Education under such circumstances will become a socially re- sponsible process causing desirable changes in children’s performances.
- Increase students’ awareness of their role in school; establish and maintain a respectful envi- ronment conducive to learning and appreciation of everybody’s contribution.
- Promote respect for others even in the events of disagreement; to decrease occurrences of disputes and conflicts.
- Foster good feelings of belonging to school and town community.
- Make School an inseparable part of children’s life.
- Engage children in learning about themselves, their families, and community by exploring the topics in intersubject concepts (Social Studies, Language Arts, Kaska Studies, and Arts).
- Continue in School initiated community events on a monthly basis.
- Involve elders in School’s life.
- Continue in students’ assessment and consequent program designs either on Individual Education or Group Education Plan basis.
- Intensify and reinforce individual learning by providing individual and/or small group sessions on a short period pull-out basis with a special education teacher.
- School Council:
Increase involvement of parents in the School life through questionnaires and invitations to School functions. - School:
(a) Open Houses with varying themes related to children’s school activities.
(b) Social events around major holidays.
- Students will discover their worth, increase self-awareness and self-respect; and apply their positive social skills in daily interactions with their peers in and outside of academic environment.
- Students will increase their deliberate participation in classroom activities.
- The periods of quality instructional time will lengthen, suffering fewer disruptions.
- Student interaction will be guided by respect even in conflicting situations.
- A few documented cases of bullying will be further reduced in a number of incidents, a num- ber of bullies, and a number of victims.
- Parents will gain a better understanding of their children’s learning through gaining an in- sight into the multilayered School life.
- Classroom Management sessions on a weekly basis.
- Regular Staff meetings (every three weeks).
- School Based Team meetings (as needed).
- Teacher – parent conferences (other then Report Card Conferences).
- Report Card Conferences.
- School Council – Staff meetings (monthly or as needed).